AirStone vs LiteStone: Which Stone Veneer is Right for Your Home?

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If you’re looking for a way to add a touch of natural beauty to your home, stone veneer is an excellent option. It’s durable, attractive, and can increase the value of your home. Two popular brands of stone veneer are AirStone and LiteStone. In this post, we’ll compare the two and help you decide which one is right for your project.

What is AirStone?

AirStone is a lightweight stone veneer made of 80% recycled materials, including fly ash and cement. It comes in individual pieces that are easy to handle and install. Each piece has a unique, natural texture that looks like real stone. AirStone is available in a variety of colors, from light and neutral to dark and dramatic.

The installation process for AirStone is relatively simple. First, you need to prepare the surface you’re going to install it on by cleaning it and ensuring it’s dry. Next, you’ll apply a thin layer of adhesive to the back of each AirStone piece and press it onto the surface. Once the adhesive has dried, you can use grout to fill in any gaps between the pieces.

One advantage of AirStone is that it’s lightweight and easy to handle. You don’t need any special tools or equipment to install it, and you can do it yourself with a little bit of patience and effort. Another advantage is that it’s eco-friendly, made from recycled materials that would otherwise end up in a landfill.

What is LiteStone?

LiteStone is another lightweight stone veneer that’s made of a combination of natural stone and resin. It comes in a range of styles and colors, from rustic to modern. The texture and appearance of LiteStone are similar to that of real stone, and it’s a popular choice for accent walls, fireplaces, and outdoor spaces.

The installation process for LiteStone is similar to that of AirStone. You’ll need to prepare the surface, apply adhesive to the back of each piece, and press it onto the surface. Once the adhesive has dried, you can use grout to fill in any gaps between the pieces. LiteStone is also easy to handle and doesn’t require any special tools or equipment.

LiteStone is made of natural stone, which gives it a more authentic look and feel than some other stone veneers. Another advantage is that it’s durable and long-lasting, able to withstand weather and wear.

Comparison of AirStone vs LiteStone


Both AirStone and LiteStone are relatively affordable compared to natural stone, which can be expensive to purchase and install. AirStone is typically less expensive than LiteStone, with an average cost of $50-$70 per box (covering 8 square feet), while LiteStone is around $70-$90 per box (covering 4-8 square feet). However, prices may vary depending on your location and the specific style you choose.


Both AirStone and LiteStone are durable and able to withstand wear and tear. AirStone is made of a mixture of recycled materials and cement, while LiteStone is made of natural stone and resin. Both materials are designed to last for many years without cracking or fading. However, LiteStone may be slightly more durable than AirStone because it’s made of natural stone.

Variety of styles and colors

Both AirStone and LiteStone offer a wide variety of styles and colors to choose from. AirStone is available in a range of neutral and bold colors, from white and gray to dark brown and black. LiteStone is available in several styles, including ledge stone, castle stone, and river rock, and comes in a range of colors as well. Both products offer a natural look that can add depth and texture to any space.

Installation process and ease of use

Both AirStone and LiteStone are relatively easy to install and don’t require any special tools or equipment. However, AirStone may be slightly easier to install than LiteStone because it’s lighter in weight and comes in larger pieces. LiteStone may require more cutting and trimming, especially if you’re working with a more complex pattern or shape.


Both AirStone and LiteStone are excellent choices for homeowners who want to add the beauty of natural stone to their home. AirStone is a more eco-friendly and affordable option, while LiteStone offers a more authentic look and may be slightly more durable. Ultimately, the choice between the two comes down to personal preference, budget, and the specific needs of your project.

When choosing between AirStone and LiteStone, it’s essential to consider the style and color you want, the durability and longevity you need, and the installation process and ease of use. No matter which product you choose, stone veneer is a beautiful and functional addition to any home.

If you’re interested in learning more about stone veneer or need help choosing the right product for your project, be sure to consult with a professional contractor or home improvement expert. They can help you navigate the options and ensure that your project turns out beautifully.